Friday 10 April 2009

Had some baby bump picture done, it was a great experience and it made me feel a whole lot better about myself. Hope you like them....

Keem will be on Britain's Got Talent this weekend so make sure you tune in!!!

Happy easter every one!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

6 weeks to go b4 the birth of Blossom

Well I have 6 weeks to go until I have my first baby. I can’t wait to meet her firstly and secondly am quite looking forward to the challenge of getting back into shape. my due date is 24th may and I plan to compete (body building) on the 26th July, I know its impossible to get my body back in less than two months (that’s if she is on time) but my aim is to qualify for the finals which I should be in good shape for, well that is if all goes to plan as it only leaves me 4 month, but as I said I like the challenge. I have put off having a baby because I have always loved my figure and loved my business, so when I finally did take the jump I knew the hardest part for me would be the body changes. I have had a six pack since late teens and that was the first thing to go at 4.5 months, how ever I didn’t start to look pregnant till about 6.5 months and this was the hardest bit as I looked like I had just put on weight. It’s not as bad now as people at least know I a pregnant, but I do long for my body back. I have kept very active through out my pregnancy with 2 PT sessions a week, 4 aerobics classes, 3 gym session, teaching pole dancing twice a week, yoga once a week and a bike ride to the pub(my boyfriends drinking not me...god I could murder a gin and tonic). I feel great and don’t see my self slowing down. Obviously my weights and impact have been reduced and I am on 6 instead of 14 on the stair master. Half the time I forget I am pregnant. I have never had to shift weight before so I am very apprehensive about doing so, I have to balance it between eating healthy as I hope to breast feed for as long as I can and getting shot of the baby weight. I still have arm and back definition, but my fat storage as always has gone to my butt and thighs so this is going to be the hardest to shift. I have eaten exactly what I wanted though so that would explain it.

Wish me luck!!

Measurements with 6 weeks to go:
chest – 93cm
waste – 96cm
hips – 98cm
butt – 103cm
thigh – 61cm
weight – 71kg

Wednesday 19 November 2008

13 Weeks

Woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. I didn't get much sleep as I had to get up for the loo a few times, then i had a nightmare about my legs getting so fat that the skin was over lapping. When i got dressed my tracksuit bottoms were too tight.

I know that its inevitable that i am going to put on weight, but having never been fat in my life I am finding it a little difficult to come to terms with. I knew this was going to be a problem when i got pregnant, as my body has always been an important thing in my life, i have always weighed 60ish kg and always had a six pack. It not just that, my strength has gone, i can barley hold my body on the pole, so i know that i will have to give up advanced teaching sooner than i expected, as i am scared about falling.

I know the last two paragraphs have all been me,me,me, but believe it or not i am really happy about having a baby, I am scared that i am not going to do it right or that i am not going to cope, I am afraid that some thing is going to go wrong or even more silly that my partner will leave me and i Will be a single parent(he is the best so thats why i think its silly to think that), not that there is any thing wrong with being a single parent but i don't want my child to have to deal with what my mum did.

The scan i had last Friday was unbelievable, i had obviously never seen one before, so i couldn't believe how clear it was, the baby was jumping around all over the place, which made it so real, which in turn made me panic that i am not eating the right things, or doing the right things, at this rate i am going to have a nervous break down!

I go away this weekend to Holland and then to Singapore on Tuesday, i am worried that i am going to disappoint all the people that have taken the time to come and see me, I am always worried about that, i just hope that feeling weak will be a problem and i am really hoping i don't fall off the pole.

God, I hope i can still teach pole dancing after i have had this baby!

I am going to try and keep up to date with this blog, to be honest I hope no one reads it or if they do I hope they understand what the hell i have written and don't take it the wrong way.